How to apply for a job in a country you’re not from?

05.10.2021 klo 16:00 - 17:00

Osoite: Zoom webinar
Järjestäjä: International Chapter -verkosto
Yhteistyössä: JobTeaser

Note: This event is open for everyone, you need not be a HENRY member yet!

Are you considering starting your career in Finland? Moving to a country you are not from can be challenging: finding a job, discovering a new language, changing your cultural habits…

Join us and discover our tips for finding a job in a foreign country. We'll discuss the ups and downs, the good to know, and the essential tips to help you take the next step in your own career.


Émilie Polak, Senior University Success Manager at JobTeaser
Passionate about guidance and lifelong learning, Emilie supports higher education institutions in Europe to help students find their way.

Ilmoittautuminen alkaa: 01.07.2021
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 04.10.2021

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