How Culture makes you lose or keep your talent

13.12.2022 klo 09:00 - 10:00

Järjestäjä: Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä - HENRY ry

There is a lot of debate about organisational culture. How do we find new people who fit in and stay with us? Recruitment is often a way of seeking renewal, of recruiting new people to renew organisational culture and skills.
However, it is often the case that renewal does not happen, or the recruitment fails in other ways: the new person does not stay, or in some way does not fit the boots they were hired for.
How can we ensure the success of a recruitment by reliably testing the match between the candidate and the team before the selection process? Hofstede Insights and ClicQnet will tell you about ways to reach and select people who will come, thrive and succeed in your organisation.
Presentations will be in English, discussion and questions can be in both Finnish and English


Organisaatiokulttuuri herättää paljon keskustelua. Miten löydämme meille sopivia ja meillä viihtyviä uusia ihmisiä? Rekrytointien kautta haetaan usein myös uudistumista, halutaan rekrytoida uudenlaisia ihmisiä uudistamaan organisaatiokulttuuria ja osaamista.
Usein kuitenkin käy niin, että uudistumista ei tapahdu tai  rekrytointi epäonnistuu muulla tavoin: uusi henkilö ei viihdykään talossa tai jollakin tapaa ei täytä niitä saappaita, joihin häntä on suunniteltu.
Miten rekrytoinnin onnistumista voidaan varmistaa testaamaalla hakijan ja tiimin yhteensopivuutta luotettavasti jo ennen henkilövalintaa? Hofstede Insights ja ClicQnet kertovat keinoista tavoittaa ja valita henkilöitä, jotka tulevat, viihtyvät ja onnistuvat organisaatiossa.
Esitykset ovat englanniksi, keskustelua ja kysymyksiä voidaan käydä sekä suomeksi että englanniksi.


Erika Heiskanen is a licenced psychologist with decades of experience in business ethics, leadership development, strategic development of organisational culture and whistleblowing practices. She has hands on experience from a large range of organisations, how data based development efforts can be implemented systematically through dialogue and a systematic phase plan.
Founding partner in Juuriharja, a consultancy specialising in business ethics, ethical leadership, ethical culture and whistleblowing.
Founding partner and CEO in ClicQnet, helping organisations in recruiting people that fit the team.

Egbert Schram, MSc in Forestry (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
Egbert Schram is the Group CEO at Hofstede Insights, and established speaker and sparring partner on the topic of how, where and when #theculturefactor impacts business and organisational operations. His areas of expertise are: internationalization, SME´s, culture, international account management, HRD, business development, strategy and culture alignment, executive cultural coaching.
He has worked in the field for some two decades and has worked in over 40+ countries with customers such as GE Healthcare, Central Bank of Nigeria, UNDP, Coca-Cola, Ikea, Huhtamäki, DXC Technologies, MGID, Physik Instrumente, BNP Paribas, Mediacom, Proctor & Gamble, Unilever, Siemens-Gamesa, Ledlenser, Barco, Lindström, Al Ghurair Group, Panasonic, RSA, Nestle Consumer Health, Mars-Wrigley, and many more organisations.


Ilmoittautuminen alkaa: 02.11.2022
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 12.12.2022

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