How technology changes employee listening programs; and what this means for HR

23.11.2022 klo 09:00 - 10:00

Osoite: Webinar
Järjestäjä: Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä - HENRY ry

Annual employee surveys have been a staple for many organisations. They bring much value, but many companies want to gain a richer source of feedback. New technologies enable just that, and drive the momentum from static survey to frequent, always-on feedback and ever closer to a company-wide conversation. In this session we will share how we see other clients in the European market apply technological developments, how it helps drive their business success and what it means for the role of HR professionals.

Joost Houtman, Employee Experience Strategist, Qualtrics
As Employee Experience Strategist Joost helps organisations to evolve their employee experience programs into modern continuous listening programs. Before joining Qualtrics Joost worked as Employee Experience expert in the EMEA region for Mercer, Sirota and SKB.

Ilmoittautuminen alkaa: 03.10.2022
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 22.11.2022

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